I am an anthropologist and Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of International and Transcultural Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University. My dissertation research examines resettlement schooling and the politics of unification on the Korean peninsula and is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant in Cultural Anthropology. I am currently based in New York City, NY and conduct my research in Seoul, South Korea.


Um, noël. 2020. “Biopower, mediascapes, and the politics of fear in the age of covid-19.” City & Society 32 (2): ciso.12311.

lectures and presentations

UM-lo, Noël. 2025. “Bridges across borders: a conversation with students from north and south korea.” columbia University’s liberty in north korea.

UM-lo, noël. 2024. “Micro-unification in the shadow of nuclear war: north korean escapee youth and south korean resettlement schooling.” American anthropological Association (AAA), Annual meeting (late-breaking talk).

Um-Lo, noël. 2021. “Legacies of minjok and neo-confucianism in the early DPRK apparatus.” Oxford university, Faculty of oriental studies: international history of east asia.

Um, noël. 2020. “Social production of spirit possession, women’s ritual and healing in Korea.” Barnard college, Department of Asian and Middle East Cultures.

Um, noël. 2020. “Holding each other up: building civic carework ecologies through youth participatory action.” COlumbia university, Department of anthropology: Anthroposium.